Are you a scholar of ancient philosophy looking for feedback on your paper draft? Then you’ve come to the right post. I am organizing another ancient philosophy paper drafts exchange. You have until January 15 to indicate your interest. I will arrange the exchange the following week and you will then have until March 1 to share your comments on the drafts you receive. There are two options to indicate your interest: Email me with the title and topic of your draft and how many other drafts (1-3) you would be willing to provide comments on. Fill out the following form, which asks for some basic information about you and…
Interview with Anna Marmodoro (Durham and Oxford), editor of Ancient Philosophy Today
Anna Marmodoro is Professor of Philosophy at Durham University and concomitantly an Associate Faculty Member at the University of Oxford, where she is a Research Fellow of Corpus Christi College. She has published widely in ancient, medieval and late antiquity philosophy; metaphysics; the philosophy of religion; and the philosophy of perception. She has been the recipient of research funding from the European Research Council, the Leverhulme Trust and the Templeton World Charity Foundation, among other institutions, and with their support, has created and directs a research group working since 2011 on the metaphysics of powers. She is also the editor of a new journal, Ancient Philosophy Today: Dialogoi, which is…
Call for Contributors to Endoxa
I am looking for additional contributors to this blog. I have some upcoming interviews and guest posts planned, but would like to get more people involved. I’m interested in posts on any topic that would be relevant to the ancient philosophy community. This could be anything from innovative teaching exercises to overviews of the available critical texts and translations for an ancient work to suggestions on how to write more productively to discussions of how to improve the field. If you are interested either in doing a guest post or becoming a regular contributor (posting once a month or so), please contact me. If you have suggestions for topics you’d like…
Best and Worst Ancient Philosophy Journal Experiences
Waiting for months to get a desk rejection or a couple of brief and dismissive comments is frustrating, especially for job market candidates and early career faculty who have much riding on getting published quickly. To help ancient philosophy scholars considering which journals to submit to, I thought it would be good to highlight what recent public surveys submitted to the APA Journal Surveys project indicate about the editorial experience at journals that specialize in ancient philosophy and the history of philosophy. I am not including generalist journals that also publish some articles in ancient philosophy, both because there are a large number of these and because the survey aggregates…
Master’s Programs in Ancient Philosophy (Updated Faculty Information)
It’s increasingly difficult to get admitted directly into a Ph.D. program, especially for students coming from lesser known universities who may not have support from well-connected faculty. Programs offering a terminal Master’s degree can be a good way for prospective doctoral students to hone their philosophical skills and begin developing a research program in order to become more competitive for admission to excellent doctoral programs. Following up on my draft list of graduate programs in ancient philosophy, I am sharing this listing of programs that offer terminal Master’s degrees with a focus on ancient philosophy. I have included information about degrees offered, application deadlines, centres or special programs, and the ancient…
Updated APA Journal Surveys Website
The American Philosophical Association and the Center for Digital Philosophy have just announced that they are partnering to provide an updated journal surveys website. You can read more about it at the APA blog. This is a great time for everyone to submit surveys about their journal experiences if they have not already done so. I have updated my Ancient Philosophy Journals post to link to the new site. I will be checking in a few weeks for new data on ancient philosophy journals and will then update the statistics on the ancient philosophy journals spreadsheet.
Academic Writing Advice with David Ebrey
David Ebrey is currently Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the Research Training Group Philosophy, Science and the Sciences and works primarily on Plato and Aristotle. He has recently been circulating a brief handout of academic writing advice, with an eye towards ancient philosophy. I found this advice clear and helpful. He originally shared it with graduate students at Humboldt University and developed the current version after getting feedback from a number of people in the field. I wanted to take this opportunity to share this advice with everyone and ask David a few follow-up questions about it. Start by reading his advice: available here, it’s also up on his website. Also,…
Draft Listing of Ancient Philosophy Graduate Programs (updated)
Which programs should students who want to pursue graduate work in Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy consider? I would like to provide a listing of such programs and associated helpful information. I have posted below a draft of programs, with one listing for MA programs and another for PhD programs. This is just a draft, so please let me know of any programs that should be added or any relevant information of which I should be aware. The list will be inclusive, so any place where students can write on or focus on ancient philosophy is eligible. I also want to include some information about programs outside the English-speaking world,…
The Quintilian Society: A new initiative encouraging academics to teach Latin in public high schools
The Paideia Institute, a non-profit educational organization “dedicated to promoting the study and appreciation of the classical humanities, with a focus on Latin and Ancient Greek languages and literature,” has announced a new program to make “it easier for underemployed and unemployed PhDs in Classics (as well as related fields where mastery of Latin is a required component) to enter the [American] public secondary education system” as Latin teachers. The Quintilian Society, as they are calling it, plans a number of initiatives including: “making teacher training easily accessible and culturally acceptable in PhD programs; connecting PhD holders with school districts striving to maintain or begin a Latin program; and building a professional and…
Roleplaying Ancient Philosophy: Using Reacting to the Past in the Classroom
One of the intentions of this blog is to share practices and ideas related to teaching ancient philosophy. I’ll start by sharing my own experience using roleplaying in the classroom. Reacting to the Past is a pedagogical approach in which students engage in a role-playing game that immerses them in a key historical debate relevant to the course. The game I used, The Threshold of Democracy: Athens in 403 B.C., divides students into democrats, oligarchs, and followers of Socrates, along with several unaligned roles. These characters are all debating how to structure Athenian society in the aftermath of the reign of the Thirty. They consider whether to grant amnesty to…