The History of Philosophy Forum at the University of Notre Dame, directed by Therese Scarpelli Cory, John and Jean Oesterle Associate Professor of Thomistic Studies in the Department of Philosophy, is once again offering travel grants for international scholars who would like to do research in the history of philosophy at the University of Notre Dame:
I am pleased to announce that the Call for Applications for grants programs at the History of Philosophy Forum of the University of Notre Dame remains open for six more weeks.
The “2024-25 Small Grants Program for International Researchers” is open to scholars with a Ph.D. based at institutions outside the USA. These grants are intended to defray the costs of a short stay at the University of Notre Dame, for the purposes of conducting research that would benefit from the use of our world-class library resources and consultation/collaboration with our faculty. The grant can only be used to cover costs pertaining to travel and accommodation, up to $3500. We especially welcome applications that have some thematic relationship to our current research cluster, “Modeling the Mind in the History of Philosophy.” However, the grant program is open to all projects in the history of philosophy, broadly construed.
The “2024 Summer Writing and Research Grants Program” invites applications from scholars with a Ph.D. and active academic affiliation who are working on research projects in the history of philosophy, broadly construed. Recipients are given access to Notre Dame’s world-class library and are provided free accommodation for one month in a furnished visiting faculty apartment next to campus.
More information about the programs, as well as links to the online applications, can be found at The submission deadline is March 15th, 2024. We ask that applicants contact one of our faculty affiliates to act as a faculty host before submitting their applications.
To receive announcements about History of Philosophy Forum activities, including our upcoming Spring Colloquium on the “Life of the Mind in the History of Philosophy,” we invite you to join our mailing list and follow us on Twitter @HistPhilND.
With best regards,
Therese Scarpelli Cory
Director of the Maritain Center and History of Philosophy Forum
John and Jean Oesterle Associate Professor of Thomistic Studies
University of Notre Dame