In response to the editorial issues I have previously highlighted at Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Oxford University Press and those running the journal have committed to editorial reforms. OSAP posted the following on the journal’s Facebook page: After several months’ discussion and deliberation, we are pleased to make an announcement about the editorial structure, process, and personnel at Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. One of the key aims is to reduce significantly the wait times for initial review and time to final decision. OSAP will be adding an Associate Editor, who will participate in all the processes and in the normal course of things will succeed the Editor at…
LA Review of Books Interviews Rachana Kamtekar on Plato’s Moral Psychology
Readers will be interested to see the interview with Rachana Kamtekar that Andy Fitch conducts for the LA Review of Books: Appetite and Anger Harmonized with Knowledge: Talking to Rachana Kamtekar. They discuss her recent book, Plato’s Moral Psychology: Intellectualism, the Divided Soul, and the Desire for Good. There was an earlier Ethics review forum on the book here.
PEA Soup Review Forum on Plato’s Moral Psychology by Rachana Kamtekar
PEA Soup is doing an Ethics review forum on Rachana Kamtekar’s Plato’s Moral Psychology (OUP 2018), reviewed by Nicholas Smith. You can join in discussion on the forum starting on the morning of Friday, January 11.