Last September, I highlighted what recent public surveys submitted to the APA Journal Surveys project indicated about the editorial experience at journals that specialize in ancient philosophy and the history of philosophy. I’m writing to provide another update based on recent surveys (though things have not changed too much). The journals that get the best ratings for editorial experience are also the quickest. The British Journal for the History of Philosophy and the Journal of the History of Philosophy continue to lead the way in editor experience scores. The APA journal surveys site asks respondents to rate the overall editorial experience from 1-5 and these two are the only ones with…
Journal Experiences and Time Frames, September 2019 Update
Last December, I highlighted what recent public surveys submitted to the APA Journal Surveys project indicate about the editorial experience at journals that specialize in ancient philosophy and the history of philosophy. I excluded generalist journals that also publish some articles in ancient philosophy, both because there are a large number of these and because the survey aggregates may diverge from the experience of those submitting ancient philosophy papers (there’s no way to filter experiences based on topic). I’m now writing to update those results. Again, we should start with some caveats: 1) many ancient philosophy journals from my journals listing are not included because they have no submitted surveys 2)…
Jobs with Ancient AOS over Previous Five Years
Aero Data Lab, “a collaboration of scientists, ethicists, and policy-makers interested in improving the quality of the clinical research enterprise,” has published an analysis of trends in the academic philosophy job market over the past six years. The analysis, by Spencer Hey (Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital), tracks changes in the number of academic positions advertised for different areas of specialization in philosophy, based on data from PhilJobs. I thought readers might be interested in the specific numbers for ancient philosophy, which are included on the chart below. The yearly numbers are within a fairly narrow range and there is little evidence of any strong trends either upwards or downward. Of course,…