• Scholarship,  Teaching

    Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy Network Facebook Group

    Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many events have been cancelled and many of us cam no longer be as active in person. To connect scholars online, I’ve set up an Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy Network Facebook group. It’s a forum for scholars working in any area of ancient philosophy, from Thales of Miletus through to Boethius and Byzantium, in order to create a greater sense of community within a field that features scholars from many different backgrounds, perspectives, and locations. All members are encouraged to share ancient philosophy related events, questions, books and articles (including their own), and teaching materials. Any scholar with an interest in ancient philosophy, whatever…

  • Scholarship

    Ancient Philosophy Events and COVID-19 (Updated)

    As COVID-19 spreads more and more widely, restrictions on public gatherings and on travel, especially international travel, continue to grow. Daily Nous has a post on the way philosophy events such as department talks and visits have been affected. You can also check this crowd sourced Google doc of cancelled academic conferences. If you know of an ancient philosophy event that has been cancelled or postponed, please contact me and I will update the ancient philosophy events calendar appropriately. Also, if anyone is moving their event online or hosting new online events, please share them! There are lots of people looking for ways to stay connected.  Invicem succurrite et valete!

  • Scholarship

    New CFPs Calendar

    In response to last week’s poll, I have created a new CFPs calendar. It includes only calls for papers (CFPs), calls for abstracts (CFAs), and other application deadlines for ancient Greek and Roman philosophy events. For a full listing of all the lectures, conferences, symposia, etc. you can continue to use the Ancient Philosophy Calendar.